在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《开放大学通识课程设置问题探究》
陈 思
邢台开放大学,河北 邢台 054000
起止页码: 17--21页
通识教育关系到人才培养质量及社会发展,在实践中应深刻领会其宗旨内涵,因材宜学施教,而 不应一味模仿学习名校。国家开放大学系统主要以成人在职教育为主,各省市分部及开放大学在通识教育方 面积累了一些经验成果,但仍然存在着通识课设置专本科界限不明、专业课程不能互补、难以满足学情需求、 过于注重表面博雅等问题。通识课应结合学生特点及教学手段,正确理解通识教育与通识课内涵,课程设置 专本科要体现差异,专科宜精准,本科应旁通,考虑学情需求,变革考核方式,由国家开放大学组织建设优质 “专业通识课”资源,以利于学生职业生涯发展。

Exploration on the Setting of General Courses in Open Universities
Xingtai Open University,Xingtai,Hebei 054000,China
General education is related to the quality of talents cultivation and social development.In practice,we should deeply understand its purpose and connotation,and implement individualized teaching rather than blindly imitate famous universities.The Open University of China mainly focuses on working adult education,and the provincial branches have accumulated some experiences and achievements in general education.However,there are still some problems,such as the unclear boundaries of general education courses,the lack of complementarity of professional courses,the inefficien- cy in meeting the needs of academic conditions,and the excessive emphasis on superficial liberal arts.General education courses should base on the characteristics of students and teaching methods,correctly understand the connotation of general education and general education courses.Curriculums should reflect the differences between junior college students and un- dergraduates,curriculums for junior college students should be specific,curriculums for undergraduates should be extensive. Students'needs should be considered,the assessment methods should be changed,and the Open University of China should organize the resource construction of “general education courses for different majors”with high-quality,so as to facilitate the career development of students.

收稿日期: 2023-11-3
