在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《基于等效交互原理的博物馆远程学习实验研究》
白 然1,韩 涵 2
1. 河北师范大学教育学院,河北 石家庄 050024;2.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875
起止页码: 11--16页
博物馆远程学习具有博物馆学习和远程学习的双重属性。探讨博物馆远程学习的基本原理与内 在规律,既是该领域理论研究的重要方向,也是提升实践科学性的需要。研究基于远程学习设计的经典理论 ——等效交互原理,采用实验研究方法,分析了小学生博物馆远程学习中学习者与内容、学习者与同伴、学习 者与教师三种交互方式及组合与学习成效的关联,得到以下结论:学习者与内容交互是小学生博物馆远程学 习的最佳单 一 交互方式;学习者与内容、学习者与同伴的组合交互是小学生博物馆远程学习最佳组合交互形 式;等效交互原理同样适用于小学生博物馆远程学习环境。

Experimental Study on Museum-based Distance Learning Based on the Interaction Equivalency Theorem
BAI Ran¹,HAN Han²
1.College of Education,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050024;2.Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
Museum-based distance learning has the dual attributes of museum learning and distance learning.Studying the basic principles and internal laws of museum-based distance learning is not only a crucial response to trends of theoretical study,but also a demand to improve the practice scientifically.Based on the classic theory of distance learning design ——the Interaction Equivalency Theorem,it adopted experimental research method to analyze the relationship between three inter- action modes and combinations of learner-content,learner-learner,learner-teacher,and learning outcomes of museum-based distance learning in primary schools.It concludes that:Interaction between learners and content is the best single interaction mode for museum-based distance learning for primary school students.The combination interaction between learners and content,learners and peers is the best combination interaction form for museum-based distance learning for primary school students.The principle of equivalent interaction is also applicable to the museum-based distance learning environment of primary school students.

收稿日期: 2023-12-26
基金项目: 河北师范大学基础教育研究一般项目“泥河湾研学营地建设及研学模式研究”(JJZX 2020Y06)
