在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《大革命失败后的学生形象建塑 ——以华北地区为中心的考察》
大革命失败后的学生形象建塑 ——以华北地区为中心的考察
南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
起止页码: 7--10页
大革命失败后,原本在人们心目中爱国、进步的学生却走向了分化与迷茫,其形象也变得模糊, 前途的不确定性使学生重新组织起来,亟待重塑形象。以华北地区为中心的研究表明,学生形象建塑并非学 生自身单独所为,而是内外合力的共同结果,各势力、各群体在其中都有不同程度的影响与作为。在中国共产 党的引导下,学生与其他诸社会群体一道,支持了中国革命的持续向前发展。

The Image Building of Students after the Failure of the Great Revolution ——An Investigation Centered on North China
XU Jiakai,XIAO Zongzhi
School of Marxism,Nanhua University,Hengyang,Hunan 421001,China
After the failure of the Great Revolution,students who were originally regarded as patriotic and progressive became divided and confused,and their image became blurred.Uncertainty about their future caused them to reorganize and urgently need to rebuild their image.Research centered on North China shows that the image building of the students was not done by the students alone,but was the result of internal and external forces,in which all forces and groups had different degrees of influence and action.Under the guidance of the Communist Party of China(CPC),students,together with other social groups,supported the continuous development of the Chinese Revolution.

收稿日期: 2023-11-6
