在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《青年志愿服务与陕西红色文化的协同优化研究》
王刚, 姬祥飞
西安石油大学, 陕西西安 710065
起止页码: 94--96页

Research on Collaborative Optimization of Youth Volunteer Service and Red Culture in Shaanxi
WANG Gang, JI Xiangfei
Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China
Youth volunteer service and red culture inheritance are intrinsically coupled, in concrete practice, through the cooperation of the two, the comprehensive quality of young volunteers and the innovative dissemination of red culture can be improved. Based on the red cultural resources in Shaanxi Province, the study analyzes the collaborative points of regional volunteer services in promoting the dissemination of red culture, including the collaborative points which are realized through the volunteer services of venues, the volunteer services helping the dissemination of red culture, the “bringing culture, science and technology and health care to the countryside” social practice. Based on the three synergy points, the study puts forward the corresponding collaborative optimization path from the two-dimensional perspective of red cultural resource managers and universities, in order to promote the deep integration of youth volunteer service and red cultural inheritance.

收稿日期: 2023-11-10
基金项目: 西安石油大学2022年度“立德树人”研究课题“疫情常态化形势下青年志愿服务机理与陕西红色文化资源协同优化研究”(LD202215)
