在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《内卷及就业观异化与就业难的关联性研究》
蚌埠学院 马克思主义学院, 安徽蚌埠 233030
起止页码: 87--89页

Study on the Correlation between Involution and Alienation of Employment View and Employment Difficulty
HU Yesheng
School of Marxism, Bengbu University, Bengbu, Anhui 233030, China
Due to the mismatch between professional training design and social industrial structure, plus the values of involution and alienation, there is a dilemma of slow employment in society. The dynamic adjustment of industrial structure and the asynchronous design of teaching design result in a shortage of skills for employment, different regional development steps, and uneven employment market regions, leading to a mismatch between employment and talent needs. The changes in industrial structure and the development of cross disciplinary skilled composite talents may increase or decrease the demand for professions, resulting in part-time employment and information asymmetry in the job market, poverty and discrimination, as well as the use of automation and robotics technology, all of which bring unpredictable challenges to employment. Society, government, individuals, enterprises and colleges and universities need to re-understand the fit between employment and industrial development and explore the correlation between them in order to deal with the employment problem.

收稿日期: 2023-12-02
基金项目: 安徽省教育厅重大教改课题“基于OBE逻辑框架思政理论实践一体化研究”(jyxm0910)
