在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《当代大学英语口语教学的可行性探究》
吉首大学张家界学院, 湖南张家界 427000
起止页码: 73--75页

Exploration on the Feasibility of Contemporary College Oral English Teaching
WANG Fangqing
Jishou University Zhangjiajie College, Zhangjiajie, Hunan 427000, China
In today’s society, higher education, especially college English, as a basic subject, faces many uncertain new problems and new challenges. Education and teaching is no longer a scripted, spoon-fed to students related knowledge and skills, but from many aspects of concern about students’ moral cultivation, humanistic cultivation and value orientation, to cultivate useful social talents with core literacy in the new era. This requires that teachers not only teach relevant professional knowledge and skills in teaching, but also closely combine knowledge and skills with value shaping, and integrate them into classroom teaching practice to realize all-round education in the whole process and continuously improve the quality of talent training. Therefore, the study focuses on exploring the ideological and political approaches and feasibility research of college oral English teaching based on the theory of curriculum ideology and politics, in order to provide some reference for promoting the growth of contemporary college students.

收稿日期: 2023-11-13
