在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《基于产业生态视角的广东职业教育体系构建》
广州城市职业学院 国际商务学院, 广东广州 510000
起止页码: 66--69页

Construction of Guangdong Vocational Education System Based on the Perspective of Industrial Ecology
LI Zhaoyun
School of International Business, Guangzhou City Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510000, China
The upgrading of industrial structure and economic transformation have put forward higher requirements for the cultivation of talents in modern vocational education. Realizing the effective connection between the needs of talent cultivation and the requirements of industrial development requires the formulation of systematic and effective construction programs and policy suggestions. The industrial ecological perspective emphasizes the organic combination of vocational education and industrial development, the establishment of an industry-university-research cooperation mechanism oriented to industrial demand, the promotion of skill certification and standard setting in the industrial chain, and the establishment of talent training evaluation and feedback mechanisms. This helps to improve the quality and effectiveness of vocational education, cultivate high-quality skilled personnel who can adapt to market demand, and promote industrial development and economic transformation. The development path of Guangdong modern vocational education system, based on the industrial ecological perspective, plays an important role in the development of the modern vocational education system, which includes improving the planning and governance mechanism of the vocational education system, promoting the in-depth integration of industry and vocational education, supporting the innovation and reform of vocational education, strengthening the construction of teachers, and establishing a platform for the cooperation between vocational education service organizations and enterprises.

收稿日期: 2023-11-23
基金项目: 2022年广州城市职业学院校级教科研立项项目“民营企业与职业教育校企合作的路径探究”(2022JKY05030)
