在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《高校课程思政数字化转型改革取向与实践逻辑》
广东开放大学 文化传播与设计学院, 广东广州 510091
起止页码: 57--61页

Reform Orientation and Practical Logic of Digital Transformation of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
ZHANG Maowei
School of Cultural Communication and Design, Guangdong Open University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510091, China
The study explores the orientation and logical framework of curriculum ideological and political reform practice from the perspective of the interconnection and mutual enhancement between curriculum ideological and political reform and educational digital transformation, aligning with current curriculum reform practices. Based on the strategic background of digital transformation, the orientation of curriculum ideological and political reform in colleges and universities mainly includes curriculum ideological and political concept leading curriculum digital construction, digital transformation empowering curriculum ideological and political education to increase value and increase wisdom, and digital transformation empowering accurate ideological and political education. Based on these reform orientations, the practical logic of curriculum ideological and political reform from the perspective of digital transformation includes system logic, collaborative logic and multiple personalized logic.

收稿日期: 2023-12-15
基金项目: 广东省继续教育教学改革与研究实践项目(JXJYGC2022GX446);广东理工职业学院创新强校项目(2022LGCQ03-03)
