在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《公安院校智慧交通管理人才培养模式探索——基于“三融合六协同”产学合作》
徐程, 李强伟, 付凤杰
浙江警察学院, 浙江杭州 310053
起止页码: 54--56页

Exploration on the Training Mode of Intelligent Traffic Management Talents in Public Security Colleges——Cooperation between Industry and University Based on “Three Integrations and Six Synergies”
XU Cheng, LI Qiangwei, FU Fengjie
Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310053, China
As a national first-class undergraduate specialty construction point, the traffic management engineering specialty of Zhejiang Police College puts forward higher requirements for the cultivation of knowledge, ability and quality of applied police talents. Combined with the background of new engineering, Outline of Building a Powerful Transportation Country and the reform of intelligent transportation system, the study puts forward a new mode of talent training based on “three integration and six coordination”, to further deepen the reform of public security actual combat education, cultivate high-level, compound and innovative applied police talents with multidisciplinary background, and send strength to the public security team.

收稿日期: 2023-12-20
基金项目: 浙江省普通本科高校“十四五”教学改革项目“基于‘三元空间’分析视角下的公安院校智慧交通管理人才培养模式探索”(jg20220610)

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