在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《自动化行政处罚法律规制——以道路交通非现场执法为视角》
青海民族大学 法学院, 青海西宁 810000
起止页码: 45--47页

Legal Regulation of Automated Administrative Penalties——From the Perspective of Off-site Law Enforcement of Road Traffic
SHA Yuancheng
School of Law, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, Qinghai 810000, China
Non on-site law enforcement in the field of road traffic management is a manifestation of semi automated administration, which has advantages such as non-contact, efficient, and all-weather capabilities. However, the current legal basis for off-site law enforcement is crude, and there are doubts about the legitimacy of the law enforcement subject. At the same time, in terms of procedures, there are also flaws in the notification and statement defense procedures for off-site law enforcement in road traffic. Solving these problems requires legal regulation and improvement, so it is necessary to clarify the scope and legal responsibility of the law enforcement subject, and further improve the notification procedures and statement and defense procedures for non on-site law enforcement.

收稿日期: 2023-11-22
基金项目: 青海民族大学2023年研究生创新项目“自动化行政处罚法律规制——以道路交通非现场执法为视角”(04M2023096)
