在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年2期《乡村振兴战略下新时代农民思政素养提升初探——基于开放教育研究视角》
白乾景1, 王月宝2
1. 太原开放大学, 山西太原 030024;
2. 河北师范大学 纪委, 河北石家庄 050024
起止页码: 32--36页

On the Improvement of Farmers’ Ideological and Political Literacy in the New Era under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization—— From the Perspective of Open Education Research
BAI Qianjing1, WANG Yuebao2
1. Taiyuan Open University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024;
2. Discipline Inspection Commission, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050024, China
As an open education entity, the National Open University adapts to the talent needs of building a modern and powerful country and undertakes the historical task of cultivating farmers in the new era and building a lifelong learning society for all. Farmers in the new era, as the historical subject of building a new socialist countryside, their ideological and political literacy has three dialectical unity characteristics: tradition and openness, consciousness and dependence, civilization and backwardness. Based on the characteristics of farmers’ ideological and political literacy in the new era, we should release the dividend of “digital large-scale”, “online and offline combination” and “adult ideological and political education”, solve the dilemma of ideological and political work environment, accuracy of ideological and political work and farmers’ subjective initiative, and explore the practical path of improving farmers’ ideological and political literacy in the new era, which is the meaning of open education serving economic and social development.

收稿日期: 2023-11-18
基金项目: 山西现代远程教育学会重点项目“习近平关于教育扶贫的重要论述在远程开放教育中的实践探究”(SXYJ202204);山西开放大学校级重点课题“开放教育背景下教育类专业提升课程思政实效性研究”(SXKDKT202205)
