在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年1期《河北省文体旅融合研究——体验内核与高质量发展推进路径》
贾一诺, 张璇, 赵瑞华
河北经贸大学 旅游学院, 河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 54--58页

Research on the Integration of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Hebei Province——Experience Kernel and the Path of High-quality Development
JIA Yinuo, ZHANG Xuan, ZHAO Ruihua
School of Tourism, Hebei University of Business and Economics, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
With the success of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, Hebei Province has entered the post-Winter Olympics era, which also puts forward a new era of requirements and calls for the development of the integration of culture, sports and tourism in Hebei. After sorting out the current situation of the industry, it is found that the integration of culture, sports and tourism in Hebei Province still lacks in the aspects of direction planning, integration depth and effective publicity. Culture, sports and tourism are interrelated and complementary, and play different roles in the integration process due to their different experience characteristics and preferences. Therefore, in order to realize the high-quality development of the integration of culture, sports and tourism in Hebei Province, it is necessary to focus on the harmonious integration of multiple subjects, innovate the form of product supply, pay attention to the experience of tourists, and promote the practice of the integration of culture, sports and tourism in Hebei Province to a higher level.

收稿日期: 2023-10-08
基金项目: 河北省文化艺术科学规划和旅游研究项目“河北省文体旅融合的体验内核与高质量发展推进路径研究”(HB22-QN040)
