在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年1期《开放大学英语课程数字化转型问题研究》
沧州开放大学, 河北 沧州 061000
起止页码: 34--38页

Research on Digital Transformation of English Curriculum in Open University
MA Yuanyuan
Cangzhou Open University, Cangzhou, Hebei 061000, China
The global education sector is undergoing a profound revolution triggered by artificial intelligence. Since its establishment, digital teaching has been imprinted in every stage of the development of the open university. With the extensive development of education digital transformation, the open university should rationally consider the dialectical relationship between information technology and education, and deeply understand the impact of education digital reform on English curriculum objectives, curriculum implementation, curriculum resources construction and curriculum evaluation. Under the guidance of smart education characterized by individuality and adaptability, the value orientation of the open university English curriculum construction should adhere to the principle of "demand-led, skill-based and service-oriented", accelerate the reform of technology-enabled curriculum, promote the integration and innovation of education and technology, get through accurate learner demand analysis, preset flexible curriculum design, output efficient curriculum resources, boost the implementation of digital intelligent curriculum and create humanized curriculum evaluation.

收稿日期: 2023-09-29
基金项目: 2022年度河北开放大学科学研究基金项目“基于诺尔斯成人学习理论的开放教育在线教学策略研究”(YB202209)
