在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年1期《开放教育技能人才培养的困境与优化策略研究——以北京开放大学现代家政服务与管理专业为例》
史红改1, 张亚斌2, 宗海静1
1. 北京开放大学 城市管理学院, 北京 100081;
2. 北京开放大学 人文与教育学院, 北京 100081
起止页码: 22--25页

Research on the Dilemma and Optimization Strategy of Cultivating Skilled Talents in Open Education——Taking the Major of Modern Domestic Service and Management of Beijing Open University as an Example
SHI Honggai1, ZHANG Yabin2, ZONG Haijing1
1. College of City Management, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081;
2. College of Humanities and Education, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China
During the critical period of economic transformation and development, China needs a large number of high-quality and highly skilled professionals. At present, the training of skilled talents in open education faces some outstanding problems, such as the orientation of talent training can not meet the market demand, the curriculum system emphasizes theory over practice, teachers' lack of practical teaching experience, the weak practical skills in teaching, and the difficulty in scientific evaluation and supervision of teaching quality. There is a big gap between open education and vocational education,and open education lacks offline practical teaching conditions. Among them, the influence of social traditional concepts is the main reason why the cultivation of skilled talents in open education has become a dilemma. Taking the home economics major of Beijing Open University as an example, through literature analysis and practical research, exploring the optimal development strategy of skilled personnel training in open education can provide reference for promoting the specialization and scale of skilled personnel training in open education.

收稿日期: 2023-09-21
基金项目: 北京开放大学一般项目“生活与家庭科学应用专题研究”(HX2021-001)
