黄聪华, 魏占杰
河北师范大学 商学院, 河北 石家庄 050024
起止页码: 100--103页
Study on the Development of Green Agriculture in Xiong'an New Area
HUANG Cong-hua, WEI Zhan-jie
School of Business, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050024, China
Since the construction of ecological civilization was brought into the overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics, green development has become an important part of the new development concept. Xiong'an New Area is a Millennium project and a national undertaking. It is of great significance to explore the development path of green agriculture in Xiong'an New Area and promote the green transformation and high-quality development of agriculture in Xiong'an New Area. However, there are still many problems in the development of green agriculture in Xiong'an New Area. It can be improved from four aspects:developing and popularizing green technology, optimizing and innovating agricultural industrial structure, cultivating green agricultural business entities and implementing green construction actions, so as to better promote the development of green agriculture in Xiong'an New Area.
收稿日期: 2023-07-26