刘翼峰, 赵凯
东北大学 文法学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110169
起止页码: 57--60页
On the Administrative Regulation System of Automated Law Enforcement from the Perspective of Digital Government
LIU Yi-feng, ZHAO Kai
School of Humanities and Law, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110169, China
In the course of digital government construction, automated law enforcement has mainly experienced four stages:static stage, interactive stage, mature stage and discretionary stage. At present, automated law enforcement belongs to the category of specific administrative acts. Automated law enforcement includes two elements:technology and rule of law, but technology will not stop because of the limitation of legal texts. The progress of technology has also brought about changes in the forms and methods of administrative law enforcement, but it has also brought about problems such as the arrogation of procedures, the imbalance of entities, and the insufficiency of rights relief. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the automatic law enforcement under the framework of administrative law, strictly implement the principle of due process, strive for balance in the entity, and improve the standard of rights relief.
收稿日期: 2023-08-18
基金项目: 沈阳市法学会沈阳市社科联2023年度一般课题“完善沈阳市市场主体的信用监管机制研究”(SYFX2023020)