在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2013年6期《近代华北集市(镇)研究述评》
熊亚平, 张利民
天津社会科学院 历史研究所, 天津 300191
起止页码: 13--21页
关键词: 华北 集市 市镇 近代

Review on the Study of the Rural Market and the Market Town of Modern North China
XION GYaping, ZHANG Limin
Institute of History, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China
The important role of the rural market and the market town in the rural economy and society of North China has made its decisive place in the study of the history of North China.Compared with the study of the town in the Jiangnan (South China) area,the study of the rural market and the market town in North China has lagged far behind.Firstly,there are more studies on the numbers and dates of the rural market but comparatively few studies on the development of the market town or on the other aspects of the rural market.Secondly,more in-depth case anatomy studies on the market town are needed.Thirdly,the study on the rural market and the market town in North China lack the contrastive study with other regions.Henceforth,in the study of the rural market and the market town of modern North China,onlyifmore efforts are spared on the transformation and expansion of the research perspective,the update oft he research method,the extension of the research content,the exploration and adoption of the researchre-source,can we achieve more satisfactory results on the study of the related fields.

收稿日期: 2013-10-10
基金项目: 2013年度国家社科基金重点项目《近代以来华北区域城镇化进程研究(1860-2000年)》(13AZS018)
