新疆政法学院 人文艺术学院, 新疆 图木舒克 843900
起止页码: 44--46页
Practical Exploration of the “Three Beauties Theory” in Translation Class
YANG Hong-mei
School of Humanities and Arts, Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumushuk, Xinjiang 843900, China
The translation theory plays a macro-controlling role in the process of translator's style construction, providing translators with a variety of interpretation channels, reflecting the ability of translator to temporarily strain and increasing the speed of translation, and deepening the cultural connotation and aesthetic attributes of translations. Mr. Xu Yuan-chong proposed the "three beauties theory", which shows the beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form of the literary translation text. The translation practice uses this as a case of the theoretical basis that uses poetry as the practice of classroom translation to explore the practical significance of Mr. Xu Yuan-chong's "three beauties theory" in English classroom teaching.
收稿日期: 2023-08-12
基金项目: 新疆政法学院高等教育教学改革研究项目“彼得·纽马克翻译理论在英语教学中的实践与应用研究”(XZJG2022021)