张瑞海, 骆佳林
河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 33--36页
The Significance and Realization Way of the Integrated Development of the Three-education System: A Perspective from Hebei Open University
ZHANG Rui-hai, LUO Jia-lin
Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
Building a learning oriented society and coordinating the development of vocational education, higher education and continuing education is one of the important tasks during China's "14th Five-Year Plan" period. The organic integration of higher education, vocational education, and continuing education is of great significance in promoting the reform and innovation of China's education system and accelerating the improvement of the lifelong education system. Open universities, as flexible and diversified learning models, have the potential to achieve integrated development with vocational education and higher education. The "credit bank" provides institutional and framework support for the coordinated development of different forms of education.
收稿日期: 2023-09-07
基金项目: 河北开放大学2023年度科学研究项目立项课题“高等教育、职业教育和继续教育融合发展的策略和实现途径研究——基于河北开放大学一体化发展的视角”(ZD202304)
[6]OECD.Learning for jobs:OECD reviews of vocational education and training[J].Oecd, 2010.