国家开放大学 外语教学部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 22--26页
Design of Blended “Golden Courses” in ODE: Value, Dilemma and Approaches
LIU Ning
Faculty of Foreign Languages, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
Blended "golden courses" in open and distance education (ODE) are different from those in general higher education, with the curriculum design principles and approaches embodying the characteristics of open education. Focusing around learner-centered idea, considering features of distance education, the blended "golden course" of college English follows the principle of "practicality, application and acceptance" and has its own value implication. In the face of possible curriculum construction dilemma, within the theoretical framework of dynamic scaffolding model of blended teaching and learning, teachers, learning activities, resources are the key elements, creating social presence, teaching presence and cognitive presence with different intensity in the early, middle and later period of the course, meeting the needs of adult learners in different stages of learning and promoting effective learning.
收稿日期: 2023-07-01