刘金霞, 常学军
河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 18--21页
Systematic Integrity Risks Faced by the Provincial Open Universities and Preventive Countermeasures
LIU Jin-xia, CHANG Xue-jun
Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
The open university is a modern distance education system spread throughout urban and rural areas with systematic running and hierarchical management. The provincial open universities play an important role in connecting link between the preceding and the following, accepting the guidance of the Open University of China while assuming the responsibility of business guidance for municipal and county open universities. The huge school running system makes the provincial open universities face greater risks of systemic integrity and is characterized by systemic, complexity and imbalance. Through investigation and study, it is found that provincial open universities are faced with some problems in risk management, such as insufficient understanding of the importance of systematic integrity risk prevention, the lack of systematic synergy to prevent integrity risk and the need for further improvement of measures to prevent systemic integrity risk. It can provide effective protection for provincial open universities to prevent systematic integrity risks by constructing cooperative mechanism, perfecting systematic integrity risk prevention rules and regulations, and optimizing system power operation restriction and supervision system.
收稿日期: 2023-08-12
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学2020年度科学研究基金项目“开放大学系统廉政风险现状与防范对策研究”(WT202006)