在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2013年5期《解决水利纠纷与民间水渠管理的技术活动——晋南旱作山区使用古代水利碑的三个例子及其近现代节水管理技术和现代水费管理》
北京师范大学民俗典籍文字研究中心, 北京 100875
起止页码: 61--63页

The Technical System of a Rural Canal to Solve the Local Water Conservancy Dispute and its Domestic Water Management——Three Cases on Ancient Water Conservancy Steles in Jinnan Dry Mountain Area and Modern Water Conservation and Charge Management
DONG Xiaoping
Center for Folklore, Ancient Writing and Chinese Characters, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
When scholars conduct research on the rural water conservancy activities in North China, where water shortage is very severe,it is very likely to focus on the social relationship among the peasants who share this water recourse,and its local tradition and peasants contract to solve the water conservancy dispute,but the technical system of rural canal management should not be ignored.In Sishe Wucun(four communities and five villages),a domestic water control community including 15villages held by apeasant organization located in a mountain area of South Shanxi Province,the rural canal management carries out a set of eco-cultural activities which are adaptable to the natural geographical elements and local culture tradition. The social relation of these peasants who need water badly is not that tense.In their view,social management of the canal is equally important as technical activities.Because it should be suitable for the nature of waters,be good at using water environment and understand the utilization law of the canal engineering, which is different from the management of land and food,whereas technical activities have relative independence.For centuries,local farmers live and work in their traditional canal management,and have established a cooperative water conservation community in extreme arid environment.This case study in the perspectives of social history and the canal technical management will have some revelatory to water culture in North China water shortage areas.

收稿日期: 2013-07-18
