在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年4期《能动与互动:“推普”战略下家庭语言规划主体研究》
汤琳琳, 金莉
西北民族大学 外国语学院, 甘肃 兰州 7300300
起止页码: 89--92页

Initiative and Interaction: Research on the Subjects of Family Language Planning under the Strategy of “Popularizing Putonghua”
TANG Lin-lin, JIN Li
School of Foreign Languages and Culture, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China
As one of the necessary variables of family language planning, the planning subject is the agent of language planning behavior and the manager of language management behavior. Taking the families of Mongolian college students as a case, the research on the subjects of family language planning finds that:The language planning subjects of Mongolian college students' families are mainly parents and children, which shows strong initiative and interaction. Therefore, the research on the subjects of family language planning should give full play to the role of the subjects from a dynamic perspective, improve the effectiveness of family language planning, and help the implementation of the national strategy of "popularizing Putonghua".

收稿日期: 2023-03-03
基金项目: 2021年国家社会科学基金项目“新世纪少数民族题材电影的国家认同建构”(21BXW029)

[2]Bernard Spolsky.Language management[M].Cambridge, New York:Cambridge University Press, 2009.