在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年4期《“两个结合”思想融入高校思政课的三维探析》
谢哲毅, 吴常柏
新疆师范大学 马克思主义学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017
起止页码: 77--80页

Three-dimensional Analysis of the Integration of “Two Combinations” Idea into Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities
XIE Zhe-yi, WU Chang-bai
College of Marxism, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830017, China
The important thought of "two combinations" is rich in connotation and far-reaching, which highlights the needs of the times to combine academic theory with teaching practice and is the inevitable requirement to combine historical mission with realistic inheritance. The "two combinations" provide the theoretical and practical guidance for ideological and political education to "keep the righteousness and innovation". In order to integrate the idea of "two combinations" into the college ideological and political courses, it is necessary to explain clearly its theoretical logic, practical basis and value implication, so as to promote the ideological and political education in keeping the righteousness and innovation in a stable and far-reaching way.

收稿日期: 2023-03-20
基金项目: 2022年新疆师范大学智库招标课题“传承中华优秀传统文化与文化润疆工程实践研究”(ZK202266B)

[3]习近平.高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗——在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告[N].人民日报,2022-10-26(1).