在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年4期《“课程思政”视阈下教师育德意识与能力研究》
王博耘, 朱桐
海南大学, 海南 海口 570228
起止页码: 70--72页

Research on Teachers' Moral Awareness and Ability from the Perspective of “Curriculum Ideology and Politics”
WANG Bo-yun, ZHU Tong
Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan 570228, China
“Curriculum ideological and political education” is an innovative ideological and political education method that conforms to the fundamental educational goal of "fostering virtue and cultivating talents" and the characteristics of college students in the new era. As the main body of implementing "curriculum ideological and political education", teachers' moral awareness and ability directly affect the implementation effect of curriculum ideological and political education. Therefore, it is of multidimensional importance to cultivate college teachers' moral awareness under the background of curriculum ideological and political education. Based on this, through the analysis of the new and higher requirements and practical difficulties faced by teachers' moral cultivation ability in the course of ideological and political education, the study explores ways to improve teachers' moral cultivation awareness and ability from three aspects:higher education authorities, universities and university teachers.

收稿日期: 2023-03-23
基金项目: 海南大学“课程思政”课程建设项目“‘课程思政’视阈下高校教师育德意识与育德能力提升路径研究”(Hdsz20-22)
