在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年4期《推进开放教育数字化 构建终身学习数字档案》
推进开放教育数字化 构建终身学习数字档案
张效邦1, 冯琳越2
1. 国家开放大学 信息化部, 北京 100039;
2. 大连交通大学 交通运输工程学院, 辽宁 大连 116000
起止页码: 46--50页

Promoting the Digitalization of Open Education and Constructing Digital Archives of Lifelong Learning
ZHANG Xiao-bang1, FENG Lin-yue2
1. Department of Informatization, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039;
2. School of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, Liaoning 116000, China
In the context of the in-depth implementation of the national education digitalization strategic action, the Open University of China continues to promote the digitization of open education based on the theoretical foundation of open education digitization and actively explores the construction of a digital profile of lifelong learning. By exploring the theoretical framework of digital university, combining with online learning space and integrating the concepts of micro-credit and micro-course, the construction idea of building a digital education system for lifelong learning is formed, which is establishing a sound micro-course, micro-certificate, micro-course and credit system and building a standard specification system. Combining with the actual and existing achievements, for the existing problems, we can provide more comprehensive, convenient and effective lifelong learning support for social learners by introducing advanced intelligent assessment models and other means of multi-party cooperation and linkage development.

收稿日期: 2023-04-08
基金项目: 北京市教育科学“十四五”规划2022年度重点课题“基于智能分析的高等教育在线学习者的学业评价及质量提升研究”(CHAA22059)

[1]荆德刚.深入推进教育数字化 建设数字化大学[J].在线学习,2023(Z1):26-27.
[2]刘增辉.蓬勃向上 勇担使命 开放大学迈向数字化大学建设新征程[J].在线学习,2023(Z1):52-54+120.
[3]张力玮,吕伊雯,沈鑫.智慧教育之先锋 终身学习之路径——访哈姆·本·默罕默德数字化大学校长、联合国教科文组织教育信息技术研究所理事会主席曼苏尔·阿瓦尔教授[J].世界教育信息,2018(2):3-5+11.