在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年4期《开放大学财会专业课程思政实施现状探究——基于师生问卷调查的统计与分析》
丁玫, 郭美芸, 林丽娜
上海开放大学, 上海 200433
起止页码: 23--27页

On the Current Implementation of Ideological and Political Education in Finance and Accounting Major of Open University——Statistics and Analysis Based on the Questionnaire Survey of Teachers and Students
DING Mei, GUO Mei-yun, LIN Li-na
Shanghai Open University, Shanghai 200433, China
At present, in order to cultivate high-quality accounting professionals, we must attach great importance to the organic integration of professional courses and ideological and political education. Through the questionnaire survey of teachers and students of Shanghai Open University, we found the prominent problems in the ideological and political implementation of finance and accounting courses. To solve the related problems, we should establish the integrated design concept of ideological and political teaching with major courses, improve teachers' ideological and political awareness and educational ability, give full play to the strength of the systematic teacher team, and accurately meet the needs of students to improve their enthusiasm and initiative.

收稿日期: 2023-03-17
基金项目: 上海开放大学2022年度校级思政重点课题“财会专业课程思政教学模式探究”(DJ2101)

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