在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《群体观念的正向价值何以可能》
北京师范大学 哲学学院, 北京 100875
起止页码: 89--92页

How is the Possibility of Positive Value of Group Concept
HU Si-hui
School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
We are entering the "age of the group" as modernity advances, and the role of the group has never been more prominent. However, individuals show "unconsciousness" in the process of the popularization of group phenomenon, which makes the group have the danger of bearing negative values in a certain sense. To reverse this situation and better adapt to the group era, we must grasp the important factors that influence the concept of group. The recognition of the individual's life world from the cultural level is of positive significance for the individual to play a role in the group, and then the expression of the concept at the group level has also obtained the possibility of realizing its positive value.

收稿日期: 2023-06-23
基金项目: 北京市重点马院建设资助“学科建设专项”重点项目“创新实践论视域下高校思政课高质量发展研究”(2022-XKZX-01)

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