在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《旅游元宇宙的创建原则、创建路径探析》
北京开放大学 人文教育学院, 北京 100081
起止页码: 80--84页

On the Principles and Paths of the Creation of Tourism Metaverse
ZHAO Chao-feng
College of Humanities and Education, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China
Tourism metaverse is a parallel virtual world created to meet the spiritual needs of cultural tourism. Based on the characteristics of the tourism industry, from the three dimensions of individual tourists, social collective and world community, three principles are stipulated for the creation of tourism meta-universe:to meet the dream needs of individual tourists, to meet the harmonious needs of society and to meet the peaceful needs of the world community. The three principles of creating the tourism meta-universe stipulate the development direction and expansion interval of the tourism meta-universe, and guide the practice of the two paths of creating the tourism meta-universe:"from real to virtual" and "from virtual to virtual".

收稿日期: 2023-05-02
基金项目: 中国成人教育协会“十四五”成人继续教育科研规划课题“京津冀文创人才终身教育体系建设研究”(2021-109Y)

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