在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《刑事司法中行政证据转化问题研究》
中国人民公安大学 研究生院, 北京 100032
起止页码: 50--52页

Research on the Transformation of Administrative Evidence in Criminal Justice
SHEN Ji-yuan
Graduate School of People's Public Security University of China, Beijing 100032, China
In 2012, the revision of the Criminal Procedure Law clarified the qualification of the transformation of administrative evidence into criminal evidence, but the normative documents of interpretation published successively did not make the transformation of evidence more clear, yet produced a series of problems. The practical way to solve the current practical problems is not to study the legislation theory, yet to respond to the disputes from the perspective of interpretative theory. Based on the research method of interpretive theory, the subject of transferable evidence collection includes administrative organs and administrative authorized organizations, the types of transferable evidence should be in the broadest sense, and the examination and judgment of administrative evidence to be transformed should be based on administrative evidence standards. The verbal evidence collected by public security organs should not be re-collected, and the evidence collected before and after filing a case is not within the scope of the regulation of evidence transformation provisions.

收稿日期: 2023-06-25

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