在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《论辩护律师调查取证的困境及其破解——以近年刑事司法改革为视野》
华南理工大学 法学院, 广东 广州 510006
起止页码: 42--45页

On the Dilemma of Defense Lawyer's Investigation and Evidence Collection and Its Solution——From the Perspective of Criminal Justice Reform in Recent Years
CHEN Jia-hong
School of law, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510006, China
Since the construction of defense lawyers' right of investigation and evidence collection, the problem of difficulty in investigation and evidence collection has been difficult to solve in practice. Under the vision of criminal justice reform in recent years, it is of great significance to fully implement the right of defense lawyers to investigate and collect evidence. To promote the full implementation of defense lawyers' right to investigate and collect evidence from the perspective of criminal justice reform, we can fully guarantee the right to investigate and collect evidence by ourselves and the right to apply for investigation and collection of evidence from the perspective of the right itself, give duty lawyers the right to investigate and collect evidence from practical problems, and explore new ways for lawyers to investigate and collect evidence from the future path.

收稿日期: 2023-05-15

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