在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《网络食品交易第三方平台法律风险防控探析》
刘怡琳, 范成博
大连财经学院, 辽宁 大连 116622
起止页码: 35--38页

Analysis on Legal Risk Prevention and Control of Third Party Platforms for Online Food Trading
LIU Yi-lin, FAN Cheng-bo
Dalian Institute of Finance and Economics, Dalian, Liaoning 116622, China
In the context of the mature development of e-commerce, China's laws and regulations on online food transactions are gradually improving. However, in the face of complex online food dispute cases, the existing legal system is clearly not perfect enough, and as an intermediary, third-party platforms also bear high legal risks. In the context of social cogovernance of food safety, third-party platform providers for online food trading have gradually become an important part of risk prevention for online food safety. The third-party platform for online food trading can prevent legal risks by raising the entry threshold for operators, introducing violation warning mechanisms, and improving the system of compensation and recovery in advance.

收稿日期: 2023-04-19
基金项目: 四川医事卫生法治研究中心2020年度重点项目“智慧政府视阈下突发公共卫生事件治理法律制度研究”(YF20-Z02)

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