在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《河北终身学习公共服务平台设计及实践探索》
刘宁宁, 任玉卿, 何磊
河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 31--34页
为满足河北省居民终身学习需求,推动全民终身学习和学习型社会建设,构建学历与非学历教育一体化平台,河北开放大学从自身出发,运用中台理念,建设了河北终身学习公共服务平台。平台包含“ 1朵云”“ 2中台”“多个核心应用系统”等,主要功能包括居民学习必需的方法、观念、成效、进程等。针对平台在实际应用中遇到的各种问题,应从健全流程机制、激发学习者学习动力、丰富特色资源等方面加以解决。

Design and Practice Exploration of Hebei Lifelong Learning Public Service Platform
LIU Ning-ning, REN Yu-qing, HE Lei
Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
In order to satisfy the lifelong learning needs of residents in Hebei province, promote lifelong learning and the construction of a learning society for all, and build an integrated education of both academic and non-academic, Hebei Open University uses mid-platform technology to built a Hebei lifelong learning public service platform based on its own perspective. The platform includes " 1 cloud", " 2 mid-platforms", "multiple core application systems", whose main functions include methods, concepts, effects and processes necessary for residents to learn. In view of the various problems encountered in the practical application of the platform, we should solve them from the aspects of perfecting the process mechanism, stimulating learners, learning motivation and enriching characteristic resources.

收稿日期: 2023-05-30
基金项目: 河北开放大学2022年度科学研究基金项目“河北终身学习公共服务平台实践效用及其提升策略研究”(ZD202203)

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