在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年5期《赋权增能视域下养教结合老年教育发展研究》
张红兵1, 赵丽丽2
1. 河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080;
2. 邢台开放大学, 河北 邢台 054000
起止页码: 26--30页

Research on the Development of Elderly Education under the Perspective of Empowerment and Energization through the Combination of Caring and Education
ZHANG Hong-bing1, ZHAO Li-li2
1. Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080;
2. Xingtai Open University, Xingtai, Hebei 054000, China
The integration of elderly care and education with elderly education is an important path to address the current insufficient supply of elderly education and elderly care services in China and to promote the high-quality development of elderly education and elderly care services. From the perspective of empowerment and energization to examine the development of integrating elderly care and education in China, there still exists the development dilemma, such as outdated ideological concepts and unclear understanding of the expansion of elderly education functions; the institutional construction is lagging behind, and the relevant supporting policies and institutional construction are not perfect; and the "integration of elderly care and education" elderly education model is not yet mature. By strengthening the promotion and guidance of the concept of integration of elderly care and education, we can guide the development of elderly education with a positive outlook on aging; Improve institutional construction, improve management mechanisms, and ensure funding investment; Integrate elderly care and education resources, promote diversified integration and coordinated development; Improving practical standards and promoting strategies for the practice and promotion of the "integration of elderly care and education" elderly education model can help promote the transformation and development of the integration of caring and education with elderly education, and promote the high-quality development of the integration of elderly care and education with elderly education in China.

收稿日期: 2023-05-27
基金项目: 2022年度河北省高等学校人文社会科学研究资助项目“社区居家养老背景下老年大学的功能拓展与赋能路径研究”(SD2022062)

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