在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《创新创业教育实践模式的探索与思考》
张琳, 牛伟鹏
张 琳, 牛伟鹏
起止页码: 101--104页

Exploration and Reflection on the Practice Mode of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education
ZHANG Lin, NIU Wei-peng
China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China
With the continuous improvement of economic development level, innovation and entrepreneurship have become an important engine to promote the improvement of economic level and an important tool to promote the reform of higher education. Compared with the conventional and traditional education mode, innovation and entrepreneurship education not only focuses on how to cultivate and improve students’ basic literacy and innovative spirit, but also focuses on improving the comprehensive organization and practice level of innovation and entrepreneurship. Although the current innovation and entrepreneurship education has entered a new stage, there are still some problems, such as the curriculum model needs to be enriched, curriculum settings need to be improved, and the level of teaching staff needs to be improved. In order to make new breakthroughs, it is necessary to establish scientific educational concepts, improve the diversified curriculum system, carry out rich practical activities, improve the industry-university cooperation mechanism, build a guidance and service system, strengthen the exploration of training modes, and carry out international cooperation and exchanges.

收稿日期: 2023-1-21
基金项目: 中国矿业大学2022年社会科学基金项目“高校学生资助体系的思想政治教育功能研究”(2022SKB10)

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