在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《高校“一站式”学生社区综合管理模式探究》
广东科技学院, 广东 东莞 523083
起止页码: 97--100页

Exploration of the “One-stop” Comprehensive Management Model for Student Communities in Universities
Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong 523083, China
The implementation of the “one-stop” comprehensive management model for student communities is an important carrier for universities to adhere to the leadership of the Party, a powerful lever for practicing the “frontline rules”, a new exploration of the comprehensive education path for universities, and an important innovation for universities to accelerate the construction of ideological and political work under the new situation. As an educational pilot work, the “one-stop” student community in universities is still in the trial and exploration stage, with a consensus on concepts that needs to be strengthened, subject participation needs to be improved, management services need to be followed up, and the education system needs to be improved. Many challenges have prompted universities to further optimize the management mode of student communities, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating talents, promote the effective implementation of the “one-stop” comprehensive education function of student communities, and implement the “three all-round education”(full staff education, full process education, and all-aspects education) pattern.

收稿日期: 2023-1-9
基金项目: 广东科技学院2022年校级五育专项课题“高校‘一站式’学生社区综合育人路径探究”(19ZDA009)

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