在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《新时代工匠精神融入高职院校思政课的路径》
云南开放大学, 云南 昆明 650500
起止页码: 67--70页

The Path of Integrating the Spirit of Craftsmanship into Ideological and Political Courses in Vocational Colleges in the New Era
ZHAO Jiang-ping
Yunnan Open University, Kunming, Yunnan 650500, China
In order to provide excellent ideological and political courses in vocational colleges, the spirit of craftsmanship in the new era can be integrated into ideological and political courses, enhancing the affinity and pertinence of ideological and political courses in vocational colleges. Through online survey, students’ understanding of the spirit of craftsmanship in the new era can be known. Oriented by problems, through the innovation of ideological and political courses, the combination of ideological and political courses with professional courses, practical training internships, and campus cultural activities, the educational role of the new era craftsman spirit in cultivating moral education and talent cultivation is exerted. Students are guided to firmly establish a professional concept centered on the new era craftsman spirit, strengthening their understanding of professional concepts, responsibilities and missions, thus to enhance their professional literacy and help them grow and become talents.

收稿日期: 2023-2-1
基金项目: 2022年度云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目“新时代工匠精神融入高职院校思政课的路径研究”(2022J0607)

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