在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《基于大数据的开放教育学生画像构建研究——以西安开放大学为例》
李凯, 杨彩霖
西安开放大学, 陕西 西安 710048
起止页码: 29--33页

Research of Student Portrait Construction in Open Education Based on Big Data——A Case Study of Open University of Xi’an
LI Kai, YANG Cai-lin
Open University of Xi'an, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China
The construction and application of student portrait is an important measure to improve the modernization of educational governance ability. The potential value and application of student portrait has brought great changes to educational decision-making, instructional design, learning supervision and quality evaluation. Student portrait is mainly to establish the corresponding feature labels through the classification and summary of student learning behavior data, and builds a multi-dimensional model to display the main characteristics of student learning behavior intuitively. By integrating learning platforms, improving data indicators, improving data processing levels, and standardizing security systems, students’ portrait quality and overall management level can be improved, which can provide decision-making basis and support for managers.

收稿日期: 2023-2-22
基金项目: 西安开放大学重大攻关项目“基于大数据的智慧教育个体画像构建研究——以西安开放大学质量监控大数据平台为例”(2020xakdktyj-01)

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