在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《抗战胜利后平津的粮荒浅探》
天津师范大学 历史文化学院, 天津 300387
起止页码: 14--19页

On the Grain Shortage in Peiping and Tianjin after the Victory of the Resistance War against Japan
School of History and Culture, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
In December 1945, the problem of food shortage began to appear in Peiping and Tianjin, which was mainly manifested in the shortage of food and the rise of food prices. The problem of food shortage plagued Peiping and Tianjin until the liberation of Peiping and Tianjin. There are many reasons for the food shortage in Peiping-Tianjin region. In addition to Peiping-Tianjin itself being a grain shortage area, some new reasons emerged after the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. The Kuomintang and its government adopted two measures to solve the problem of grain shortage in Peiping and Tianjin, namely, increasing source and reducing expenditure. The increasing source included transporting grain to Peiping and Tianjin, facilitating the transportation of grain, and issuing grain loans; the reducing expenditure included carrying out grain rationing, stopping levying and banning the purchase of Peiping and Tianjin military grain, preventing and cracking down on hoarding, and strengthening the overall planning of grain. Although the Kuomintang and its government have taken various measures, the problem of food shortage has not been solved, but has become more and more serious. This not only reflects the failure of the Kuomintang and its government in dealing with the food shortage in Peiping and Tianjin, but also indicates that the Kuomintang and its government will eventually fail in national rule.

收稿日期: 2023-2-5
