在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年3期《数字化大学:新时代开放大学迈向高质量发展的战略选择》
范贤睿, 程罡
国家开放大学, 北京 100039
起止页码: 1--7页

Digital University: The Strategic Choice of High-quality Development for Open Universities in the New Era
FAN Xian-rui, CHENG Gang
The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
In accordance with the requirements of high-quality development, as a new type of university with a digital gene, open universities are in urgent need of progressing from the “Internet + university” stage to the “digital university” stage. Anchoring the goal of building a digital university that links the world, open universities have explored in four aspects: digitizing learning resources, digital learning and teaching processes, digital learning evaluation and digital management services. Despite these efforts, there remain many urgent issues that must be addressed, including the need to further increase the digital literacy of the faculty, the lack of high-quality digital learning resources, the urgent need to reform and optimize teaching and management mechanisms, the pressing necessity to upgrade technical support and service capabilities, the requirement to strengthen institutional and cultural support, and the inherent shortcomings of online education that necessitate the creation of a blended digital education system that integrates virtual and real. To expedite the development of digital universities, open universities should focus on advancing the digital transformation of the entire system, enhancing technological empowerment and support, improving the institutional environment, serving the establishment of a lifelong learning system for all people by means of digitalization, and enhancing high-quality development of open universities through digitization.

收稿日期: 2023-5-29

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