在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2013年2期《近代青岛乡下人的文学形象与历史境遇》
青岛农业大学人文学院, 山东 青岛 266109
起止页码: 1--5页

The Literary Image and the Historical Situation of the Country Folks in Modern Qingdao
Humanities Institute, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, Shandong 266109, China
As the carrier of the city culture and position of public opinion,the mass media conveys the value judgments and emotional experience of the urban intellectuals.These two realistic novels of The Country Folk Visited Qingdao and The Mountain Rain show that the process of the modern peasants entering into the city was full of frustration,their life in the city was unbalanced.The one hand,the material life of the migrant had improved to varying degrees;on the other hand,they faced the impact of the new environment and new things,they encountered identity discrimination in the city,so they suffered a lot at the spiritual level.The different sectors of the country folks entered into the city because of the attractive force of city and repulsive force of the country,showing their dual tendency of body and spirit in the city life.The expression of weakening the country folks'identity in urban literature reflects the cognitive finiteness and psychological alienation of cities and city people to the countryside and country folks.

收稿日期: 2013-02-28
基金项目: 青岛农业大学高层次人才启动基金《近代乡村移民的社会融入问题研究——以青岛为中心的考察(1929-1937)》(631112);青岛市社科规划项目《近代农民工与青岛城市发展关系研究(1891-1949)》(QDSKL110416)
