乔时玲, 李坪, 高传龙
广州城市职业学院 国际合作交流中心, 广东 广州 510405
起止页码: 101--104页
Discussion on Internationalization Development of Guangdong Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of “the Belt and Road”
QIAO Shi-ling, LI Ping, GAO Chuan-long
International Cooperation and Exchange Center, Guangzhou City Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510405, China
With "the Belt and Road" initiative as the background, Guangdong higher vocational colleges have made positive practical exploration in the aspect of international development, such as carrying out overseas training projects, building Luban workshops or overseas colleges, receiving foreign students from countries along "the Belt and Road". They have made certain achievements, but also faced internal and external difficulties and problems restricting further development. Higher vocational colleges should make full use of the opportunities of the times and geographical advantages, establish the concept of international development, constantly improve the level of connotation construction and school-running ability, and develop the characteristic international road based on the school, so as to further improve the international development level of these high vocational colleges.
收稿日期: 2022-11-1
基金项目: 广东省2020年“十三五”教育科学规划课题“‘一带一路’背景下高职商务英语专业学生跨文化交际能力培养研究”(2020GXJK290)
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