山西工程技术学院 基础课教学部, 山西 阳泉 045000
起止页码: 93--96页
On Xu Guo-zhang's Thought of Compiling English Textbooks and Its Significance for Reference
CHEN Yan-wen
Basic Course Teaching Department, Shanxi Institute of Technology, Yangquan, Shanxi 045000, China
English textbooks are the main way for students to learn English. The knowledge structure system of English textbooks compiled by Xu Guo-zhang is particularly suitable for self-study of Chinese adult learners. Xu Guo-zhang has always demanded that the textbooks should be of high quality, scientific and first-rate content, and his writing ideas have important reference significance for the compilation of English textbooks in China. The compilation of English textbooks should be guided by national strategies, keep pace with the times, reflect the combination of instrumentality and humanity, and pay attention to the scientific and exemplary nature of the textbooks. In addition, in the era of diversified teaching models, more attention should be paid to the compilation of college English textbooks in order to cultivate more excellent English talents for the country.
收稿日期: 2022-11-4
基金项目: 山西省教育科学规划办公室课题“基于读后续写理论的大学英语写作混合教学模式研究和实践”(HLW-20189)
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