在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年2期《沈阳市科技人才资源供需现状及对策建议——基于高质量发展的视角》
沈阳开放大学, 辽宁 沈阳 110003
起止页码: 82--86页

Present Situation of Supply and Demand of Scientific and Technological Talent Resources in Shenyang and Countermeasures——Based on the Perspective of High-quality Development
REN Bing
Shenyang Open University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110003, China
Shenyang is an important central city in the northeast of China. In facing the requirements of "high-quality development" of the country, there are still three problems in the construction of scientific and technological talent team, such as insufficient supply, imperfect mechanism construction, and rapid growth of talent demand in emerging industries. The pressure of talent drain is large, and the gap between Shenyang and the southeast region is still large. During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Shenyang should take scientific and technological talents as the main driving force for industrial development, update the concept of high-quality development, eliminate the problems in the development of scientific and technological talents, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological talents around the five engines, promote the high-quality development and transformation and upgrading of key industries, build an industry-teaching-research association, promote the cascade development of scientific and technological talents, and create an institutional environment more conducive to the development of scientific and technological talents.

收稿日期: 2022-11-1
基金项目: 2021年度沈阳市科技创新智库决策咨询类重点课题“高质量发展视域下沈阳市科技人才资源供需预测及对策研究”

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