广西师范大学 马克思主义学院, 广西 桂林 541006
起止页码: 75--77页
The Practical Significance and Effective Ways of Enhancing the Adaptability of Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities
TIAN Rong-lan
College of Marxism, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541006, China
The "adaptability" of the ideological and political theory course refers to adapting the educational objectives, teaching contents, implementation subjects, methods and other factors of the ideological and political education to the needs of social development. On the new journey, strengthening the adaptability of the ideological and political course in colleges and universities has important value implications for the implementation of the fundamental task of "building morality and cultivating people", helping college students to establish the "three outlooks" that are in line with the times, and training new people to take on the task of national rejuvenation. The ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should be more adaptable. In terms of multiple dimensions such as research and analysis of the adaptation of teachers' theoretical skills to social development and progress, teachers' "teaching" and students' "learning" adaptation in the era of big data and the complex and volatile international and domestic environment, the theoretical skills of teachers should be more adaptable to social development, teaching methods should be adapted to students' growth characteristics, thus to implement the fundamental task of "building morality and cultivating people" in the ideological and political course of colleges and universities on the new journey.
收稿日期: 2022-11-4
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