孙建平1, 张嘉晨2
1. 临汾开放大学, 山西 临汾 041000;
2. 山西师范大学, 山西 太原 030000
起止页码: 47--50页
Research on the Promotion Strategy of the Construction of Information Learning Resources in Community Education——Based on System Theory
SUN Jian-ping1, ZHANG Jia-chen2
1. Linfen Open University, Linfen, Shanxi 041000;
2. Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030000, China
The informatization construction of community education is crucial to the development of community education, and the national level attaches great importance to it. At present, there is little systematic research on the construction of community education information learning resources, let alone the academic rationality of the top-level design, economic basis, technology and social acceptance of this system engineering. Based on the four factors of internal politics, economy, society and technology, the study analyzes the present situation of the construction of information-based learning resources in community education, and applies the basic principles of system theory, four strategies such as the principle of entirety, the principle of relativity, the principle of development and the principle of openness are put forward. It will certainly provide inspiration and practical guidance for the practical requirements of the construction of community education information learning resources.
收稿日期: 2022-12-4
基金项目: ?山西省教育科学“十三五”规划2020年度互联网+教育专项课题“‘互联网+’背景下社区教育信息化教学资源建设与应用研究”(HLW-20227)
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