在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年1期《“农村包围城市”对“乡村振兴战略”的当代启示》
河南科技大学 马克思主义学院, 河南 洛阳 471000
起止页码: 105--108页

Contemporary Enlightenment of “Surrounding Cities from Rural Areas” on “Rural Revitalization Strategy”
WANG Zhao-yi
College of Marxism, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471000, China
The revolutionary road of “surrounding cities from rural areas” theoretically adheres to the universal principle of Marxism-Leninism and breaks through the “urban center theory” based on the actual situation in China, which plays an exemplary role in guiding the theoretical innovation of the current rural work. The revolutionary road of “surrounding cities from rural areas” is based on the field of the countryside in the practical path, analyzes and judges the revolutionary way and the revolutionary power, takes the land problem of farmers' concern as the work center under the leadership of the Party, and carries out social reform from bottom to top, which provides a path reference for the implementation of the current “rural revitalization strategy”. The revolutionary road of “surrounding cities from rural areas” analyzes the actual situation of China from the standpoint and method of historical materialism. The Chinese characteristics and Chinese spirit it shows fully reflect the road confidence, which sets a shining example for the current “rural revitalization strategy” to strengthen the road confidence.

收稿日期: 2022-08-08
基金项目: 2018年度国家社会科学基金重点项目“习近平新时代国家治理思想研究”(18 AKS 014)

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