在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年1期《关联翻译理论关照下的交流线索与谚语翻译》
毛燕, 韩彬彬
琼台师范学院 外国语学院, 海南 海口 571107
起止页码: 94--97页

Communicative Clues and Proverb Translation in Terms of Relevance Theory in Translation
MAO Yan, HAN Bin-bin
Foreign Language Department, Qiongtai Normal University, Haikou, Hainan 571107, China
The important role of proverbs in conveying cultural information requires translation to express its figurative and allusive nature at the semantic level and to convey its real semantic meaning in the actual context. The relevance theory in translation focuses on expressing the communication clues of the text at the semantic level and conveying the deep structure of the text so as to achieve the optimal relevance with the text. The relevance theory in translation helps reach the faithfulness and fluency for proverbs translation, and deliver the textual characteristics of proverbs at the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical levels in translation.

收稿日期: 2022-10-18
基金项目: 琼台师范学院一流本科校级教材建设项目“实用文体与翻译”(QTjg 2020 - 29)

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