在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年1期《跨文化交际视域下外语教育本土文化意识培养》
衡水学院 公共外语教学部, 河北 衡水 053000
起止页码: 61--65页

On the Cultivation of Chinese Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Education from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Communication
GAO Gui-fang
Department of Foreign Language Teaching, Hengshui University, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, China
Since foreign language education is virtually cultural education, which ultimately serves cross-cultural communication. Effective and productive cross-cultural communication results from equal, two-way cultural interaction. Both sides of communication need to have a keen awareness of cultural differences and the consciousness of subject culture, and rely on the mentality of mutual openness, tolerance and understanding. From the perspective of cross-cultural communication, there urgently need to take measures to correct the situation of severely lacking Chinese culture in foreign language education in China and qualify our students with cultural awareness and interpretational competence of both foreign and Chinese languages, so as to meet the need of social development and the rejuvenation of our nation and realize the mission of foreign language education

收稿日期: 2022-10-12
基金项目: 衡水学院2021年度社科课题“基于跨文化交际视野培养艺体类学生文化自信的大学英语教学研究”(2021 SK 42)

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