在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年1期《基于微信平台的混合式学习模式建构与应用——以企业物流管理课程为例》
许洪霞, 徐丽丽
广州开放大学番禺分校, 广东 广州 511400
起止页码: 33--36页

Construction and Application of Hybrid Learning Mode based on WeChat Platform ——Taking the Course Enterprise Logistics Management as an Example
XU Hong-xia, XU Li-li
Panyu Branch of the Open University of Guangzhou, GuangZhou, Guangdong 511400, China
With the rapid development of educational informatization, WeChat, with its powerful functions, meets the needs of adult learners to “learn anytime and anywhere”, and offers the possibility for modern blended learning of distance and open education. Taking the logistics major learners of Panyu Branch, Guangzhou Open University as the research object, through the questionnaire survey, we understand and analyze that distance and open education has the advantages of using WeChat to carry out blended teaching. Taking the course Enterprise Logistics Management as an example, it is of great practical significance to build a hybrid learning model based on WeChat public platform and apply it to the actual teaching process.

收稿日期: 2022-10-21
基金项目: 广州市广播电视大学2019年度科研基金青年专项项目“基于微信的混合式学习实践研究——以《企业物流管理》课程为例”(2019 KYQN 10)

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